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Fried Blossoms

Fried Blossoms

Recipe by Nancy and Joe Mazzoni

Both of our parents and grandparents (on the Italian sides) prepared these with zucchini blossoms from their gardens each summer. We have continued the tradition, wherever we could grow a garden. We have discovered that any squash blossom will work, but still prefer the flavor of zucchini blossoms.


  • Zucchini blossoms

  • 2 eggs, beaten

  • 1 pinch salt

  • 1 pinch pepper

  • ½ cup flour

  • 2 Tb water


  • Remove stems from zucchini blossoms, rinse and. pat dry on paper towels.
  • Beat together all other ingredients (adding flour gradually) until smooth.
  • Dip opened blossoms in batter and fry in frying pan at medium heat, using ample amounts of oil.
  • Turn after egg batter is set, cooking until batter is set on both sides.
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